Prayer is anything that nurtures the relationship between us and God
God in creating us and giving us the gift of life, has initiated and continues to nurture that relationship
God is the primary pray-er, not us.
Prayer is time consciously spent in God’s presence.
All time is spent in God’s presence, whether I acknowledge it or not.
God consciously spends all time with me, nourishing our relationship, whether I acknowledge it or not.
God is praying in me, even when I am not consciously praying.
God is the primary pray-er.
God is not just praying in me but in all others, including the dead and the yet unborn, and indeed in all creation.
God made, loves, upholds and sustains everything that there is, was and will be.
As I sit here God is praying through the chair I sit on, the clothes I’m wearing, the air I breathe, the window I am gazing through, the trees & the buildings that I can see
As I go outside, God is praying in each person I meet.
As we meet, the God in me meets the God in them.
God’s praying thus unites me with everything else that God has created.
God is praying in each and all of us, and in everything.
I am united in prayer with all those who have lived before me, and the yet unborn
The former will be praying that I build on their successes and redeem their failings
The latter will be praying for the world into which they will be born.
United by God’s prayer, my relationship with all other human beings, is transformed, for they are now all my sisters and brothers, and their well-being is now my concern as mine is theirs.
Prayer calls us all to social and pastoral action.
Similarly, as I sense the God whom I know praying in the whole of creation so my attitude to creation is transformed.
God is in it and meets me there, God calls me to care for it, and for creation to care for me
In caring for the world and all of creation, I am co-caring with the God Who cares.
I am mostly not very good at all this, but my attempts seem to be accepted, and so I keep working at it.
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