This piece has been some time in its gestation, it’s something that I sense has been revealed to me over a period of time, and that it’s now time to share it.  I sense that there is truth in it. I might of course be wrong, or there might simply be bits of truth in it. So, I’d welcome your comments reader, on what I’m sharing here.  


The Gospels are agreed that Jesus’ ministry began after His baptism in the River Jordan by John the Baptist.  John had been ‘preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins’. John’s baptism by full immersion in the river was a risky business, the person being baptised might not survive, that was the whole point of it. It symbolised a dying and a rising to new life.  But what did Jesus have to repent of?  It’s important to ask that question because whatever Jesus had to repent of provided the context for what came next. 

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